15.11.43 Enlisted in Salisbury for the RAF volunteer reserve, ( Aircrew)
In 1944 had a further interview at Euston House, where due to the state of the war Army requirements for war against Japan 90% of the RAFVR were transferred to the Army. I was relieved to remain on reserve in the RAF.
On the night before the RAF interview, we were in commandeered Hotel in Euston. An Air Raid Warning had been given and we were sheltering as much as possible. A V1 Flying bomb (Doodlebug) was heard getting louder and louder. It was like stuttering motor bike. Whilst hearing the engine it meant that the bomb was flying on and the danger for those around had passed, but on this occasion the engine stopped and the bomb floated down silently, landed and exploded in the next street hitting some houses. The next morning we saw a crater about 15 yards across and the property rubble.
17.11.44 After a further 5 days at The Grand Hotel Torquay, for multiple selection tests (5000 questions) I was eventually transferred to the Army due to “The Exigencies of The Services.” and Army requirements for Jungle type war against Japan. Whilst in Torquay I went to a Tea Dance at The Palm Court Hotel and also a Play called “Fanny by Gaslight.”
Early 1944 in Yeovil the memorable sounds & sights were hundreds of Lancaster Bombers flying over to France and Germany at night, hundreds of Dakotas towing gliders in dummy exercises over the horizon during the day, thousands
Of US troops marching single file through the streets of Yeovil on their way to embarkation points all along the coast ready for the invasion of France culminating in D Day itself June 6th 1944