Our Universe by Jack Baxendale

2010 January - December

Created by Steve 4 years ago
Let’s try to be curious      -- about that myriad star order.
And try to imagine          -- what lays beyond that cosmic border.
Let’s try to work out        -- those natural laws, and wonder.
And try to make sense     -- of why we exist and ponder?             
Let’s gaze up at the sky   -- and the Moon’s magic light.
And admire in awe          -- that bright celestial sight.
Let’s observe                  -- that day and night clock.
And ask why                   -- it’s so regular, - and not all ad hoc?
Let’s take in that beauty  -- filmed way out in space.
Our Earth in the cosmos  -- home of the human race.
Spontaneous Big Bang conflagration -- experts exhort.
Or divine providence reason -- could be sought?
And question why seasons -- must all come and go.
Not random, not chaotic    -- in rhythm they flow.
And how is it that             -- they’re always in sync.
An Intelligent design         -- tempted to think?
Gravity, the fundamental          -- vertical binding force.
Provides navigator guidance     -- to keep on their course.
Universe harmonies, symmetry -- uniformed motion maintained.
Nature’s Laws, solar forces       -- obeyed and pre-ordained?
Earth’s Light in the day            --   supplied by the sun,
Reflected on moon and stars    --   when day is all done.
Speed of light fundamental      --  a constant of law.
Through prism gives rainbows  --  and reflected in awe?
Harmony sounds, whole numbers -- frequency  vibrations.
Heavenly chords                          --  in mind’s orchestrations.
Musical magic transports humans  -- to sublime inspiration. 
Haydn’s Oratorio ‘ The Creation’    -- and Bible’s Genesis ‘Creation?’

Crystals, diamonds and their structures -- aren’t shaped by mankind. 
But repeating symmetries                    --  in space enshrined.
Ice crystal patterns exquisite               --  flawless, shaped harmonies.
Not random, nor chaos,- but orderly     -- sparkling testimonies?
Symmetries supported in space              --  imposed by laws of nature.
 And reduced to pure numbers                --   in atomic structure.
 Molecules, atoms, elements, compounds --   numerically co-ordinated.
 Light, time, energy, distance, matter      --   intelligently related?
 Diversity in species life’s driving force     -- in their evolution.
 A gene each from two parents                -- is their contribution.
 A dividing of cells ordered                      --by laws of Inheritance.
 A balancing blue print                            -- for our unique existence?
Each Sunflower’s two patterns                 -- precisely related.
And seeds of all sizes                              -- sequenced duplicated.
Conformed arrangements                        -- exactly symmetrical.
Proportions and numbers                        --divinely methodical?
As rational humans of this universe              -- so amazingly harmonious,
Tis our duty to try and explore it                --  and be both mindful and curious.
Its nature and numerical connection            --  from time when  life all began.          
Its spirals and golden ratios .                      --  this intelligent creation of man?   
Cosmos space stretches out                        --  to infinity.
Pre “ Big Bang” void  to ‘Last Day’                -- an eternity.
Science is exploring our world                      -- and its firmament.
Its divine harmonies,                                  --  strong testament, -  and also, - convergent!
Jack Baxendale